We are honored to have Mads Palsvig announce step no.4 of the GLOBAL WALKOUT. The fourth step of the global walkout is to move as many accounts as you can to a union or local bank. Use these new accounts for your savings and transactions. If you run a business, move your business accounts as well and start paying wages from there. If you have debts with larger banks, look into transferring your debt as well. On the global walkout website, navigate to step four where you’ll find more information explaining why this is important, and how it helps us pushback against globalism and financial tyranny. On there is also a printout you should show the bank worker when you open your new accounts. It will be a great way to start conversation with them and your friends and family. This will be a HARD STEP and will take some time and effort. Let’s see who’s ready for that :-) Remember the GLOBAL WALKOUT steps are always voluntary…just do what you can t
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