Viennale-Trailer 2020: AD UNA MELA by Alice Rohrwacher

We owe this year’s trailer to one of the great contemporary women filmmakers, Alice Rohrwacher. Shot on 16 mm film, it plays with the mystery of creation and the magic of light and shadow from which cinema is born. It’s an invocation to the return to innocence, which is the prerequisite for every new discovery, the driving force behind the eternal cycle of life. An excerpt from Pablo Neruda’s poem “Oda a la manzana” (“Ode to the Apple”), performed by the author himself, at the same time praises the film, the precious moment of a rediscovery and a new creation: Cuando mordemos tu redonda inocencia volvemos por un instante a ser también recién creadas criaturas aún tenemos algo de manzana. “When we bite in to your round innocence we too regress for a moment to the state of the newborn: there is still some apple in us all.” - Den diesjährigen Viennale-Trailer verdanken wir einer der großen Filmemacherinnen der Gegenwart, Alice Rohrwacher. A
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