This LGBTQ Couple Sentenced To 100 Years In Prison Each But You Won’t Believe The Reason Why..😶

🇺🇸 Breaking news Two gay men from georgia, darlings if the lgbtq scene have now been convicted and sentenced to 100 years in prison with no possibility of parole after they created a house of horror for their two sons which they adopted from a christiqn special needs agency called all gods children at the age of 3 and 5. Zachary and william zulock were caught molesting the kids for long periods, peforming oral you know what on the the two and forcing the sons to do it on them and graping them. The couple would go futher and pimp out the boys to nearby men including this guy and this guy ...also going to jail who would also grape them and sent them footage. Police also found over 7 terabytes of videos, images, text messages of the crimes. Discord #shorts #facts #story #trending #stories
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