Gabbi Batrider OFFLANE | Entity vs Execration Riyadh Masters 2023 Play In Game1
Entity vs Execration (Xctn) Play-IN (Bo2) Game1
Riyadh Master 2023
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Khim “Gabbi“ Villafuerte is a professional Dota 2 player who is currently playing for Entity .
#Dota2Skadi #Dota2 #Gameplay #Batrider
#Entity #733 #733E
#KhimVillafuerte #Gabbi #ENTITYGABBI #Dota
#RiyadhMasters #OneEntity
Join us for the first game of the Riyadh Masters 2023 Play-In series, where Gabbi brings his Batrider into the offlane against Execration. With Gabbi’s unique playstyle and a firm grasp on Batrider, Entity Gaming presents a formidable challenge in this thrilling series. Experience top-tier Dota 2 strategy and gameplay as these titans of the Southeast Asia region face off. Stay tuned to witness Gabbi’s powerful Batrider performance that could potentially sway the game’s outcome in favor of Entity Gaming.
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