Status Cataplexus/ Extended Sleep Paralysis

This is me, Sleepy American, experiencing a Severe Extended case of Cataplexy induced Sleep Paralysis/Status Cataplexus--just one of the four debilitating symptoms of Narcolepsy. Most people whom experience Sleep Paralysis only experience each episode for only a few ,minutes and cannot move, at all... barely able to vocalize a screeching sound for help. My case of Narcolepsy pretty severe, completely debilitating without on medications I still have episodes of Narcolepsy, but am better able to keep standing when feeling extreme emotion, esp. laughter. Planned naps every few hours help stave off violent sleep attacks, and my Rx medications really reduce the paralysis from many hours attack a day to several less encompassing attacks each week. The Narcolepsy Network is a superior resource for anyone who want to know more or needs help, support, education about Narcolepsy and its potentially debilitating symptoms. Feel the Wrath of Sleepy American’s Empizer! N
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