× The Fairy Tail Couples Group ×
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Magical Love Studios proudly presents: our fourth MEP!
You all did so amazing! Thanks so much for your hard work! ^^ I love the way it turned out! :D
Part 1: xBeeBee10x // Gruvia
Part 2: SakuraAnimeGurlVE // Gruvia
Part 3: xXxSakiUchihaXxX // NaLu
Part 4: DJxZwergiii // Gruvia
Part 5: xXxSakiUchihaXxX // GaVi
Part 6: palmeis // NaLu
Part 7: xFarway // NaLu
Part 8: TalaRockz // Gerza
Part 9: bluestarlight97 // GaVi
Part 10: RubinChanx3 // G