Eccentronic: You Don’t Have To Be Crazy To Work Here (Music, Comedy, Electro)

Hypnotique and her evil overlord boss John Callaghan finds that insanity may be the solution to the increasing mechanisation of the workplace. Share if you work in an office or like robots! Follow Eccentronic on Twitter: Or Facebook: Download free tracks from Soundcloud: Video credits: Thanks to Rachel H and John Fisher LYRICS Welcome to my crazy team Pensions admin, living the dream There’s dress-down Fridays and bake sale stalls Slaps on the back and kicks in the balls For charity, Dean’s in a bath full of beans And enjoying it a little too much it seems I’m swimming with sharks in a blue ocean I’ll do anything to win a promotion I’m management and it’s our role To put the surplus on the dole Streamline the workforce to just the best And cull and automate the rest
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