Hillsbrad Foothills - Music & Ambience | World of Warcraft Vanilla
Located in Eastern Kingdoms (Northern Area), the zone Hillsbrad Foothills, or simply ’Hillsbrad’, contains quests mostly suited for Horde characters around the level of 20. Located in the southern end of the north island of (Eastern Kingdoms), the hills are home to the towns of Southshore and Hillsbrad (Alliance towns before the Cataclysm), and Tarren Mill (Horde). Some notable locations, such as Durnholde Keep and Azurelode Mine are also found here. Since Hillside lies outside of Thoradin’s Wall, it was a crossroads between Alliance and Horde players, which made combat between the two factions likely.
Hillsbrad is traditionally the most blood soaked battlefield on Azeroth, despite its pleasant, pastoral setting. In the Second War, it saw several important skirmishes between orcs and forest trolls on one side, and humans and high elves on the other. In the Third War, the Scourge wiped out the human town of Tarren Mill, though later it was claimed as the southernmost holding of the Forsaken. Since then, the undead have been battling fiercely with the humans of Southshore, and the region is infamous for having at one point been impossible to even enter without being slowed down by the constant battle and bloodshed. It was formerly the home of Dalaran before the Third War.
You can discover all main areas from WoW Hillsbrad Foothills Vanilla:
00:00 Walk from Thoradin’s Wall
09:00 Southshore
19:21 Tarren Mill
25:00 Durnholde Keep
31:15 Thoradin’s Wall
35:00 Dun Garok
38:45 Eastern Strand
40:00 Nethander Stead
45:00 Western Strand
47:30 Purgation Isle
51:15 Azurelode Mine
53:45 Southpoint Tower
56:15 Hillsbrad & Hillsbrad Fields
58:45 Darrow Hill
Original World of Warcraft Vanilla Hillsbrad Foothills music in this video (always marked on the video), together with in-game ambience captured from the game:
00:12 Forest Day 3
01:16 Forest Day 2
02:29 Forest Day 1
12:23 Alliance Tavern 2
19:09 Undercity Intro
19:41 Undercity 1
20:51 Undercity 2
22:22 Undercity 3
24:48 Gloomy Intro
25:27 Forest Night 1
26:23 Forest Night 2
27:09 Forest Night 3
28:11 Forest Night 4
47:18 Cursed Land 4
48:37 Cursed Land 5
49:54 Cursed Land 6
51:14 Battle 3
51:41 Stormwind 8
52:49 Stormwind 4
53:51 Evil Forest 2
54:58 Evil Forest 3
Forest (Day & Night), Evil Forest, Alliance Tavern, Stormwind tracks are composed by Jason Hayes
Undercity, Cursed Land themes are composed by Derek Duke
As a Vanilla WoW player, I am capturing the World of Warcraft atmosphere for eternity.
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