20220908_Episode 2 E-Commerce - Coding Product Reviews by Anthony Fu Forge

Anthony Fu is an avid open sourceror working at NuxtLabs. He is also a Core team member of Vue, Nuxt and Vite and the Creator of Vitest, Slidev, VueUse, UnoCSS, Type Challenges and more! Anthony is very passionate about dreaming up ideas and making them come true. He joined Forge Episode 2 to showcase how we can build an awesome product review UI and persist them to Deskree! Let’s take a deeper dive into Anthony’s approach to component development, shall we? Tune in! Visit Vue School Signup for Nuxt Nation 2022 Join Vue School’s Hiring Program Do you want to master ? Mastering Nuxt Course Signup for Mastering Nuxt 3 course release updates Contact us team@
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