OcReact vs Vue React Props And Children vs Slots And Props! React vs Vue 2021 Edition! (Дата оригинальной публикации:
⚠️For the months of May and June, get your very own .TECH Domain and help children get their start in computer science!
React and Vue are the best JavaScript frameworks and libraries out there. But what are the differences? What are Props and Slots and how do they compare to Reacts Props and Children! In this video I compare both.
👉Check out how my last video on setting up a contact form!
0:00 Introduction
0:39 .Tech Domains
01:43 Introduction To App
04:13 Creating A Prop For Button Text Vue
05:44 Creating A Prop For Button Text React
06:25 Creating Slot in Vue
07:32 Create React Children
08:10 Named Slots in Vue
10:27 Using Named React Children
12:04 Creating default values for slots
12:48 Default React Children values
13:22 Spreading Props on React Child Components
14:55 Prop Inheritance in Vue
16:33 Updating prop inheritance with inheritAttrs
18:20 Passing function as props in Vue
20:50 Using events in Vue and emitting them
22:40 Passing function as props in react
24:12 Scoped Slots In Vue
28:02 Data provider pattern in React with wrapper component
29:38 Creating a wrapper component in Vue
33:33 Composition API alternative to scoped slots
🗂️ 🗂️ 🗂️
2 years ago 00:34:20 7
OcReact vs Vue: React Props And Children vs Slots And Props! | React vs Vue 2021 Edition! (Дата оригинальной публикации: