Neuroscience: Understanding the Brain for Effective Weight Loss

Introduction to the Neuroscientific Approach to Weight Loss Searching for effective weight loss strategies has always been a daunting task. However, recent advances in neuroscience have given us a new perspective on the complex relationship between our brain and body when it comes to weight management. By delving deeper into the complexities of the brain, we can gain valuable insights into appetite control, food cravings, emotional eating, and even our ability to establish lasting behavior change... Soon online !!! Learn more Follow the projects: Via community tools or not, to be able to contribute to carry out its projects, such, website, blogs, social networks (Facebook and Google and VK), and video channels, You tube, Vimeo and Dailymotion, Brainwave-JCP (aka Joel Caserus), already available and online: How to support projects: https://jcpbr
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