Naval cadets perform mock battle (1915)

GAUMONT GRAPHIC NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Naval cadets from Rhode Island’s Training School put on an exhibition Full Description: SLATE INFORMATION: America’s Naval Cadets - Students of the Newport R.I. Training School in a show USA: Rhode Island: EXT Newport, R.I., USA TITLE: Students of the Newport, R.I. training school in a sham battle. (5ft) LV. Naval cadets running across beach. (14ft) LV. Medical orderlies placing “wounded“ cadet on stretcher. (25ft) SV. ditto (31ft) DV. Cadets advancing up hill. (43ft) United States of America, Navy - Active exhibition, navy, troops, military, demonstrations, training, exercises Background: Naval cadets from Rhode Island’s Training School put on an exhibition FILM ID: VLVAEAV4PG8KZBEZFD8E0LDC3ZXAN To license this film, visit Arch
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