(765) Acrylic POUR PAINTING with paper NAPKIN ~ Throat chakra ~ Dip & Lip technique ~ Chakra series

5th acrylic pour painting of CHAKRA Series ~ Throat chakra For this acrylic pourI will do a Dip & Lip technique, which is a simple fluid art technique to create simple, but beautiful acrylic flower painting. I decided to create 7 canvases with 7 chakra colours with Dip & Lip acrylic pouring technique. COLOURS: - Amsterdam blue turquoise - Amsterdam phthalo prussian blue - Amsterdam greenish blue - Amsterdam phthalo blue - Liquitex prussian blue - Decoart extreme sheen aquamarine - Pearl white My pearl white mixture: 1 part Vallejo pearl medium 1 part titanium white 2 parts pouring medium All my paints are mixed with Boesner Guardi acrylic binder and acrylic emulsion.
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