Watch All Night - episode 7 (1980)

17-year old Tess is travelling to London to keep a very special appointment. Her father, a nuclear scientist working for Y-Bana, an Arab state, has returned to England for a short visit and they plan to spend the time together. Dr Gerald Buscombe and Tess check into a hotel - and he is given the ominously-numbered Room 13. The following morning not only he, but the room itself have disappeared. As Tess searches frantically in a suddenly-hostile world where no-one will admit to having seen her with her father, a sinister web of intrigue unfolds. Why has Buscombe disappeared? What dark secrets of Y-Bana are contained in the mysterious Passenetti file? And why are the Y-Banians so anxious to suppress it? FINAL EPISODE Broadcast 21st September 1980
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