Double Crested Menace! The savage Dilophosaurus! Creative Beast Previews Beast Of The Mesozoic

This large predatory dinosaur was discovered in northern Arizona! The Diophosaurus wetherilli, or “two-crested lizard“, had a unique skull structure with a gap in the upper jaw with long curved teeth! We go over the unboxing, articulation, Paint, and Posability of our 1/18th scale Dilophosaurus, Highly posable, scientifically accurate, Action Figure! “From the Prehistoric to the Fantastic“ Get your figure here: Design: David Silva, Raul Ramos Sculpt: Raul Ramos Paint: Matt Holt Prototypes: Raul Ramos, Jeremy Monz Illustration art: Gabriel Ugueto Thumbnail, opening photos and video ed...iting: @TheSpinoDude Instagram: @Spinodude_official Cyberzoic action figure line: Get all your Beast Of The Mesozoic action figures and much more at:
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