Saint Hieromartyr John of Riga. By the way of passions

Англоязычная версия фильма о священномученике Иоанне Рижском – к 90-летию трагической гибели архиепископа Иоанна (Поммера). Русскоязычная версия - по ссылке This documentary is about Saint Hieromartyr John of Riga (Janis Pommers). English version especially dedicated to the 90th anniversary of Archbishop John of Latvia tragic death. Hieromartyr John (Pommer) was a sincere fighter for the purity and unity of the Church, for the equality regardless of nationality and language, for open dialogue in order to achieve peace in society since his time in Belarus and Penza. Sure he remained true to these values after 1921, when he became the first primate of the Latvian Orthodox Church, and later as a member of the Latvian parliament. With his principled position and steadfast convictions, the Archbishop of Riga was a hindrance to a lot of envious persons. On the night of October 12, 1934, he was murdered in his home in the village of Ozolkalns. The brutal crime is still unsolved. In 2001, the Russian Orthodox Church canonized Hieromartyr John of Riga. The documentary, filmed with the blessing of Metropolitan Alexander of Riga and All Latvia and Metropolitan Seraphim of Penza and Nizhny Lomov, is dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the canonization of the Saint Martyr John of Riga and the 100th anniversary of the Latvian Orthodox Church. The documentary was awarded diplomas at the international film festivals “Golden Knight“, “Radonezh“ and “Vechevoy Kolokol“.
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