Minoan (Keftiw) incantation - a sample of Minoan language

A reconstruction of Keftiw/Minoan incantation against samuna ubuqi disease; a sample of Keftiw/Minoan language from London medical papyrus for more details see the following papers: Alexander Akulov. 2017. The structure of verbs of Keftiw/Minoan incantation against samuna ubuqi disease from London Medical Papyrus demonstrates close resemblance with the structure of Hattic verb. Cultural Anthropology and Ethnosemiotics, Vol. 3, N. 3; pp.: 28 - 34 Alexander Akulov. 2017. On the etymology of name Europa: Keftiw/Minoan deity Erupa/Erupā from London Medical Papyrus. Cultural Anthropology and Ethnosemiotics, Vol. 3, N. 3; pp.: 15 - 20, Oct 27, 2017 ā_from_London_Medical_Papyrus Alexander Akulov. 2017. A Minoan deity from London Medicine Papyrus. Cultural Anthropology and Ethnosemiotics, Vol 3, № 2; pp.: 13 - 17
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