Mere Gurudev | A song by Sita Dasi | Dedicated to Paramahamsa Vishwananda
I am so grateful to have the opportunity to create a video for Sita Dasi’s song. This song is so beautiful and it touched my heart and brought tears to my eyes. The video content is from many sources. After many edits, today we can finally make it public and I hope you enjoy it. It is dedicated in gratitude to our Gurudev, Paramahamsa Vishwananda for his upcoming birthday celebrations and Guru Purnima.
Here’s the story behind the video: I woke up one morning with this tune stuck in my head. I knew I had heard it somewhere but wasn’t sure. It wouldn’t leave me alone and I messaged Rishi Aaradhakananda and he asked me to sing the tune in a voice note. I sang it to him in my hopeless singing voice and he deciphered it and sent two voice note melodies back and the actual tune turned out to be Sita Dasi’s song - Mere Gurudev. He put me in contact with Sita Dasi and she sent to me her song and I loved it so much. She didn’t have a video and she gave me consent to make a video for her. It was so much fun creating this video.
Song Credit: Sita Dasi
Video Compilation by: Ekiya Dasi (Merylene Chitharai)
Video Source: Sita Dasi, Bhakti Marga Worldwide, , Kubashini Perumal, Just Love Festival
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