72 minutes of live music with the Jazzinvaders Ft Dr. Lonnie Smith @ het Dolhuis Dordrecht

A Zoom H4n Live Recording! listen with your headphones on! 0:00 NELSON 10:09 SONG FOR LONNY 17:10 NO CURE 22:47 LITTLE SUNFLOWER 29:35 MOVE YOUR HAND 35:20 HEY HEY YEAH YEAH 44:22 ? 49:36 ? 1:01:43 MAX ROACH Dr. Lonnie Smith plays the SLAPAROO Linda Bloemhard - Vocals Rolf Delfos - Alto Sax Phil Martin - Drums Jan van Duikeren - Trumpet Guido Nijs - Tenor Sax Berthil Busstra - Keys Ton van der Kolk - Bass Dr. Lonnie Smith - H
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