Aaryamaan - Episode 1

The series follows the story of Aryamaan (Mukesh Khanna), the warrior Prince of the human inhabited Thar Empire of the Ariyana galaxy, situated millions of light years away from Earth. Aryamaan, son of Emperor Jarant and the Emperor’s second wife Queen Rasa, is the rightful heir to the throne of the Thar Empire. When Aryamaan was born, the drought-struck Ariyana experienced its first showers in many years. The distressed civilians looked up to the boy and believed that he is their saviour and will tide them over in all adverse situations. However, Aryamaan’s step-mother and Emperor Jarant’s first-wife queen Nasa gets extremely jealous of Rasa and Aryamaan. She also gives birth to a mutated non-human child simultaneously when Rasa gives birth to Aryamaan. A further jealous Nasa makes more than one attempt to kill the baby Aryamaan. Queen Rasa realizes that as long as Aryamaan lives with her in Thar, there is danger to his life. She instead instructs a helper robot called Tobo to take the child t
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