Hoovydundy part 1 [Mine-imator]

Nothing is really known about Hoovydundy’s origins. What is known is that it may have come from a map where RED and BLU both suffered complete team wipes due to respawn failure. However, its creation does seem to involve a Spy, judging from the many knives in its back. And based on its aggression towards Friendly killers, it may have had a friend killed as well. Hoovydundy apparently appears when a Friendly, possibly on either side, is killed purposefully, going after the entire team if they supported the murder of the Friendly. Music Credit Amnesia: The Dark Descent OST - Ambience 11 Team Fortress 2 OST - More Gun Team Fortress 2 OST - Dreams of Cruelty Amnesia: The Dark Descent OST - Ambience 08 Trailer music- Corpse Part OST - Ending (Chapter 3 Version) Want the whole Corpse party OST- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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