Supermans Moustache Fixed using Deepfakes

► Paperspace is the computing cloud platform built for the future to power a wide range of next-generation applications. Learn more on: Get $10 free credit using this link: During film for Justice League, Henry Cavill had a moustache that he was unable to shave because he was filming Mission Impossible as well. A CGI team digitally attempted to remove the moustache. As a result there is a very cartoonish look to his face. Using deep fake vfx cgi we are able to more accurately and believably create a new face mask that overlays the film version. The process of deep fake vfx takes days and sometimes weeks to accurately compare the two faces and attempts to create a new face. ♦ Twitter: ♦ Instagram: ♦ Patreon: ♦ Discord: ♦ Contact: shamookdeepfakes@ `
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