The making of Rigmor of Cyrodiil was a huge undertaking, and couldn’t have been achieved without the people listed here in this end credit video. When I put this video together just before release I was slightly taken aback and humbled by the amount of contributors, whether by collaboration, direct permission or indirect permission as modders resource. This project truly is a community project.
All of the people credited in the video have helped, whether answering my questions, giving advice, or just being there. People who have helped with tutorials on the Nexus and YT. Support from mod reviewers along the journey to the toolmakers, “Divines,“ without whom none of this would have been possible, not just for me but others and I thank each and every one of them from my heart.
Rigmor of Cyrodiil hit the Nexus Hot Files No1 spot on day one and stayed there for 7 days solid, and was voted FOTM for December 2018 on BOTH versions of the game. Thank you to all the people who helped make that happen, you know who you are and I love you all.
But what about THAT ending ;) and as a metal fan, what better way could there possibly be to celebrate the finale than with my favorite Metal Cover of Dragonborn? “Yeah, I know right“
When I approached Martin about having his Metal Cover of “Dragonborn“ feature in the end credits of RoC, he was incredibly supportive, and gave me a special HD version just for the mod. What an incredibly generous and talented guy. Skar Productions create many Metal versions of well known and popular covers for games, be sure to check them out.
Metal Covers by Skar Productions:
Martins other Social Media links:
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