90’s Wedge Chop by The Butcher at Schorem

Lately I’ve seen a HUGE revival of the 90’s “curtains” look which official name is something between a Wedge or a Firefly, a TRUE classic and a part of Vidal Sassoon’s ongoing legacy… Of course, as with most haircuts there are many different approaches and as with most haircuts there are no WRONG approaches as long as the patron walks out with what they wished for and then some… (That little extra that makes the difference between your shop and the one next door, that little extra that makes your patron come back for more) My first mentor was a brutal one, a real drill sergeant with no room for mistakes, but he was GOOD!! He taught me graduation through elevation, (over)projection and graduation trough tension using the natural stretch of wet hair, very, VERY technical but equally brilliant hair-cutter (Thanks again Mr. Vonk) I still use those lessons on almost a daily basis but in a looser way, using more of the natural and organic flow of the hair, giving it more room to move us
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