Nikolay Emelin - Rus (Николай Емелин - Русь) English translation
The song “Rus’“ performed by the Russian artist “Nikolay Emelin“. Originally translated and uploaded by me on this channel in 2014, had well over half a million views. Now I’ve re-uploaded it with a better translation and video.
This song was used as an entrance theme by Russian former professional boxer Alexander Vladimirovich “Sasha“ Povetkin.
Explanations of some terminology:
Rus’ aka Kievan Rus’ = A loose federation/eastern Slavic state of the early medieval ages. It’s capital was in Kiev as well as Novgorod. Ukraine, Russia and Belarus are descendants of the Kievan Rus’ both genetically and geographically.
Svarog = One of the Gods of the pre-Christian Slavic pagan religion sometimes known as Rodnoverie or Rodnovery. Svarog was the God of fire and blacksmithing.
Sources used in the video: Viking (2016), Kolovrat (2015), Battle of Niva (Битва на Неви) aswell as the 2014 Russian Olympics presentation that took place in Sochi.