Timmy Thomas - Why Can’t We Live Together (1972)

This song may be lost to some, but there are parts of the instrumental, especially in the Bossa-nova intro, that should jog the memory. It was popular in the autumn of 1972, on the jukeboxes and in the night clubs, and is among my favorite soul/jazz hits. There were a lot of such great songs in the early 70’s, sadly many forgotten. Released in August 1972, it reached #1 on the Billboard Hot 100 on January 27, 1973 and peaked at #12 in the UK. The visual aspects of the video match exactly (or nearly exactly) the time of the hit single: they are of New York City in either late winter or late autumn of 1972, courtesy of American videographer Christopher Sullivan. The source simply says 1970’s, but I recognize it as 1972, in part, due to a movie poster promoting the film Tales From The Crypt in the subway (subway scene not shown in this video). That film was released in the United States in March 1972. I could have just as easily used current video of street scenes to go with the song, such is the
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