Unreal Adventure - Part 22 ( Swap Items in Quick Access Menu)

Project Files : . This is the 22nd episode of the “Unreal Engine Adventure“ tutorial series I am doing. This series is inspired by games like Heavy Rain or Detroit Become human. These are more like interactive stories where the player choices of player will have a permanent impact on the gameplay. In this episode, we are going to work on how to swap items in the quick access menu. in the quick access menu, we can assign one of the items from each category to 4 slots available in the quick access menu to be able to easily accessible by the player. But in the inventory, there could be more than 1 items from the same category with different effectiveness. For example, if we take the heal category, we can use both health packs and band-aids to increase the health level of the player. Band-aid will be used to patch up wounds and health-pack could be something like an injection. Both increase the health level. Depending on the player preference, only one of t
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