SCHWARZER ENGEL - Götterfunken EP (Official Listening Video) | darkTunes Music Group

► Amazon: ► iTunes: ► SE store: With his Symphony No. 9 to „Freude schöner Götterfunken“ Ludwig von Beethoven created one of his most famous masterpieces. Almost two centuries later, the german dark-metal-band SCHWARZER ENGEL melodizes the symphony again in their unique style. Using melodical metal-guitars and their unique vocals plus medieval-sounding tunes, this piece is truly a pleasure to fans of dark and atmospheric music. While the classy piano-interpretations are contributed by El Friede (OOMPH!), the artwork comes from Season Zero (ASP, L’AME IMMORTELLE, SUNRISE AVENUE). Besides the title-track and the two piano-interpretations, the EP also contains a track called „EinMensch“, which is an exciting preview of the upcoming album „Imperium II – Titania“. Never before the sound of the band has been as euphoric as on „Götterfunken“. Even if it was the last
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