Archive 862 - 28/04/2024 PM - LIVE Sky Cam Queensland Australia
#UFO, #UAP, #Clouds, #Alien, #skycam, #livestream, #extraterrestrial, #UFOs
Welcome to South East Queensland UFO Watch
Sky Cam LIVE stream from Moreton Bay Region Queensland Australia.
24/7 Live Stream Guide/Tutorial:
One way this live stream could be viewed is... Other beings may want to communicate with us. Maybe it can’t always come in the form of them showing up physically. Maybe some beings can and others can’t.
Think of the technology we are using to spot them. Basically we have sensors to sense light in the way of pixels on our screen from the cameras.
We have provided a way for them to interact or communicate through these sensors.
Maybe that interaction or communication may come through in a way we don’t expect. Maybe we as spotters need to expand our minds into other possibilities.
We should treat the chat as our shared notepad. Jot down any sensor readings we witness, no matter what we ’believe’ it to be.
Maybe some day someone will notice those notes and see something in them that makes sense.
This will be enabled on some days if the environment is suitable. But usually only between certain hours due to a large amount of background noise and privacy considerations, since the microphone is very sensitive. IMPORTANT NOTE: It has been noted that entities can use white noise to communicate through. So listen very carefully to any subtle sounds within the static.
Please help to support keeping this channel going. Help us with the running costs. Please consider becoming a member on Patreon:
Every dollar helps.
LIVE Stream will restart at 1am and 1pm (AEST) most days.
Please bookmark the permanent Live Stream URL: @sequfow/live
The purpose of SEQUFOW is to try to find out more about what is being seen in our skies by millions around the world. We have multiple cameras recording 24/7 to capture UFO / UAP anomalies. Hopefully we will find out if these vehicles are piloted by extra terrestrial / alien / NHI or maybe it is just highly advanced human technology.
Join our research at
Camera Setup:
Main Cam 1: VIP Vision VSIPPTZ-2IRW-I 1080p @ 60 fps.
Main Cam 2: Dahua Pro 42212TNI Dome Camera with High Speed PTZ ,12x optical zoom, 1080p @ 30 fps.
West & East Cameras: Dahua IPC-HFW1431SP. 1080p @ 25 fps
South: Generic 1080p @ 25 fps.
Live object tracking system uses Optical Tracking Data Acquisition Unit (OTDAU) software from
All cameras are recording to our local server in full screen resolution 24/7.
Another great channel to check out is Australian Phenomena
TicTok: @sequfow
#UFO, #UAP, #Clouds, #Alien, #skycam, #livestream, #extraterrestrial, #UFOs, #skycameras, #aliensightings, #extraterrestriallife, #unidentifiedflyobjects, #ufoscaughtoncamera, #ufosreal, #ufoslivestream, #skycameralive, #ufoinvestigation, #ufodisclosure, #ufoscience, #ufotriangle, #ufostickman, #ufocube, #ufospheres, #ufobells, #ufocylinder, #ufodisclosuremovement, #ufology, #ufoconspiracy, #ufotheories, #ufosresearch, #sequfow
UFO sightings, Alien encounters, Extraterrestrial life, Roswell incident, Area 51, Unidentified flying objects, UFO conspiracy theories, Government cover-ups, UFO documentaries, UFO abductions, Crop circles, Close encounters, Alien spacecraft, UFO disclosure, Alien technology, UFO research organizations, UFO sightings database, UFO sightings map, UFO news, UFO sightings today, Sky monitoring, Live stream, Skywatching, UFO live stream, Sky observation, Night sky monitoring, Sky surveillance, Live UFO feed, UFO tracking, Sky camera, UFO livestream
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