Beijing: ‘Inadequate evidence’ from UK on cyberattack accusation & no response to clarification
Global Times: It’s reported that on March 25, governments of the US and the UK accused, filed charges and sanctioned the hacking group “APT31” linked to the Chinese government for malicious cyberattacks, claiming that it has gravely undermined their democratic institutions and electoral systems. Australia and New Zealand echoed their claims, and New Zealand said another hacking group “APT40” linked to the Chinese government had launched cyberattacks against their parliamentary system. What’s your comment?
Lin Jian: China firmly opposes and combats all kinds of cyberattacks, and is committed to working with all countries, on the basis of mutual respect, equality and mutual benefit, to strengthen cooperation and jointly deal with the threats of cybersecurity through channels such as bilateral dialogue or judicial assistance. The Chinese side has made technical clarifications and responses to the so-called “APT31”-related information submitted by the British side, and made it clear that the evidence provided by the British side was inadequate and relevant conclusions lack professionalism. But unfortunately, there has been no further response from the British side.
For some time, driven by its own geopolitical agenda, the US has encouraged “Five Eyes Alliance”, the world’s largest intelligence organization led by the US itself, to compile and spread all kinds of disinformation about the threats posed by the so-called “Chinese hackers”. Now along with the UK, the US is hyping up the so-called “Chinese cyberattacks” and even launching groundless unilateral sanctions against China. China firmly opposes this, we have made strong démarches to the US and relevant parties and will take necessary measures to safeguard our lawful rights and interests.
China’s relevant cybersecurity institutions have released a series of reports on the US government’s cyberattacks on China and other countries. Yet the US government has been silent about them. We urge the US to adopt a responsible approach in cyberspace and stop framing the innocent.
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11 months ago 00:01:45 1
Beijing: ‘Inadequate evidence’ from UK on cyberattack accusation & no response to clarification