Beautiful English Village - Lacock Village - Most filmed Village in England

You can find a Beautiful English Village in any county of England. Lacock Village has to be on the list as one of the Most Beautiful English Villages and one of the most filmed villages in England! Even if you don’t know Lacock Village by name, it will most likely be familiar to you if you have watched programmes or films like Downton Abbey or Harry Potter as this beautiful English village was used as backdrops and homes in many of the scenes. Plus a host of other movies. It’s also very unusual that an entire village is almost wholly owned by the National Trust, part of the Lacock Abbey estate. We’ll visit the Abbey next week but join us for a tour around the wonderful and pretty streets of Lacock Village which is free to do anytime. for more information and booking the Abbey. *Note that the bus stop we reference as an overnight prison cell was in fact the local blacksmiths!* If you enjoyed the video and would like to help us bring you more inspiring videos, you can consider buyin
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