Eucharistic Miracle of Buenos Aires. Bread to Living Human Heart. Science Challenges Atheism.

A Communion host bled and became living Human Heart. Ron Tesoriero, Lawyer, led and here documents the scientific investigation asked for by Pope Francis when Archbishop. The results impact Evolutionary theory. For over 25 years, Ron has been examining with Journalist, Mike Willesee, some very remarkable cases and they appear to be supernatural. The scientific findings have been outstanding. He has published those findings in a new book, “My Human Heart: Where Science and Faith Collide”. Follow this link if you wish to obtain a copy of the book: In the book Ron presents, compelling evidence from cases that he examined, where God has powerfully intervened in our world and suspended the laws of nature and has permitted both science and the camera to witness it. In doing so He has shed light on some of the greatest mysteries, that have ever confronted mankind. • Eucharistic Miracles • The Stigmata • A statue of Christ that cries and bleeds
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