The world is thrown into chaos when the public learns that in just ten days’ time, a massive meteorite will hit the Earth, likely wiping out the entire human race. This horrific news has sent a young man working in a dead-end office job named Masumi Nishina into shock. But he soon makes peace with his destiny and decides to return to his college library, where he intends to read books in a tranquil setting while he waits for the end to come.
But this decision proves to be a major mistake – as it is here he is reunited with the man who ruthlessly broke his heart: Ritsu Kusakabe. Back in college, they were both in the same publishing club but parted ways bitterly. Masumi Nishina had hoped he would never have to set eyes upon Ritsu Kusakabe again, so cruel was the latter’s rejection, while Ritsu Kusakabe went on to become an IT hotshot. But with the clock ticking and just days remaining until the world comes to an end, they start to wonder if they should perhaps reignite their fill the remai
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3 months ago 00:03:18 1
【歌ってみた】エイリアンエイリアン /ナユタン星人【 covered by 夢限大みゅーたいぷ 】
5 months ago 00:02:58 1
【 歌ってみた 】メンタルチェンソー / かいりきベア【 covered by 仲町あられ 】#夢限大みゅーたいぷ
7 months ago 00:02:44 2
takano x ritsu || call you mine
8 months ago 00:19:56 1
9 months ago 00:02:54 1
【 歌ってみた 】君が飛び降りるのならば / Omoi【 covered by 仲町あられ 】#夢限大みゅーたいぷ
9 months ago 00:03:51 1
Konomi Suzuki/鈴木このみ「Hakka」(「白花」English ver.) Ending Theme from TV series “Ishura“
9 months ago 03:41:17 1
Время действовать | Super Danganronpa Another 2 #10 | Прохождение ritsu ☽
10 months ago 00:03:37 3
【 歌ってみた 】スイートマジック / ろん×Junky【 covered by 宮永ののか 】#夢限大みゅーたいぷ
11 months ago 00:03:51 1
TVアニメ「異修羅」EDテーマ 鈴木このみ『白花』MV full
1 year ago 00:04:34 3
【 歌ってみた 】ユキトキ / やなぎなぎ【 covered by 宮永ののか 】#夢限大みゅーたいぷ