2020 Suzuki Address 110 Review | bikesales

For convenience, practicality and cheap commuting, the Suzuki Address 110 is a pocket dynamo. 👉Full Review: For Uber Eats or getting about town on the cheap, there are some very good reasons why Suzuki’s only scooter sells so well… There’s perhaps a longer list of what the 2020 Suzuki Address 110 isn’t, rather than is. The Address, or UK110 to give it its official model code, isn’t fast. It isn’t powerful, it isn’t packed with the latest high-tech features, and it isn’t exactly sexy. But none of that matters, because it’s what the Suzuki Address 110 is, that makes it so appealing – and also a solid sales success. Subscribe for the latest bike advice, reviews and comparison tests 👍 STAY UP TO DATE & CONNECT WITH US AT
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