MSFS Huge FPS BOOST Sim Update 5 ULTIMATE FPS TEST RTX 3090 + i9-10900k (FHD, UHD, 4K)

Microsoft Flight Simulator fans have always been struggling with low framerate or stutters. With MSFS update (Sim Update 5) looks like things are sturting to improve. In this MSFS video I showcase direct FPS comparison between the ols and new version of the sim. In my FPS test I used different airplanes and locations - it is very important because the framerate may be very different when flying default GA planes or a 3rd party airliner such as A32NX. With high end PC (RTX 3090, Core i9 and 64 GB RAM) we can see its full potential. The main reason why the Microsoft Flight Simulator performance was so poor is CPU usage limitation. It was mostly using single core of the CPU only due to its old engine. With this update developers have improved the code causing the simulator utilize CPU resourses and memory more effective. The difference is incredible, the flight simulator now feels much smoother than before. Some new bugs and problems came up such as constant CTD but I things they will be resolved with a ne
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