【GOB-ACT2】 歌詞 / Hibana (Original MV + Group Cover) 【Ophiuchus】

• STORY - LIBRETTO • __ “Millenniums ago, a great power dominated the vast universe…. But at the death of the last ruler, the kingdom began to divide. Because of this, a great war was started. Rumor has it that the Founder of the Great Dynasty possessed a mystical stone – “Those who possess the Ophiuchus will obtain power to rule all of the universe.” __ Note: This is the sped up version, you can find the original speed in our google drive upload! • Original: THE SIXTH LIE Hibana 歌詞 • Credits MP3: Acapella : Script: English Translation: Google Drive (normal pitch): ○ Time / T...une / Harmony Guide: JunbugP ○ Mix / Master: Anari ○ Artist : Chisacha (Alrisha): Sketch / Lineart - Kageki (Regulus):
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