Amazing Earwig Wings in Action!
Earwigs and 10 other insect species captured flying in slow motion at 6,000 frames per second.
00:00 - Shore earwig - Labidura riparia
01:47 - Tree cricket – Oecanthus sp.
02:12 - Northern Caddisfly – family Limnephilidae
02:39 - Giant Casemaker Caddisfly – family Phryganeidae
03:00 - Oak Treehopper - Platycotis vittate
03:15 - green Treehopper - Archasia belfragei
04:05 - wheel bug - Arilus cristatus
04:47 - Hairy-eyed Crane Fly – Pedicia sp.
05:25 - Yellow-collared Scape Moth - Cisseps fulvicollis
05:59 - Roadside Sallow Moth - Metaxaglaea viatical
06:33 - Brachonid wasp – subfamily Cheloninae
Diagram of earwig wing folding is modified from:
Haas, Gorb, & Wootton. 2000. Elastic joints in dermapteran hind wings: materials and wing folding. Arthropod Structure & Development, 29: 2, 137-146.
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