VLOG 3 - The Search for Vintage Snare Drums & Studio Tour

Over the years there have been tons of questions about my studio, my recording gear, my camera gear, and that damn snare wall. So let’s answer everything in one massive 20 min. episode of The Search for Vintage Drums! Oh ya, and the link to my metronome is in the description below, LOL! ►Metronome App: ►Listen to the Podcast on Apple Podcasts: ►Listen to the Podcast on Spotify: ►Visit Follow me here ►Instagram: ►Facebook: ►Twitter: Endorsements • Gretsch Drums • Meinl Cymbals • Aquarian Drum Heads • Vic Firth Sticks • DW Hardware • Audio Technica Microphones • Aiya Matc...ha Time Code 0:00 - The Drive 1:25 - Are the flatbreads back? 2:06 - Studio Tour 9:45 - The Snare Wall 12:00 - Rogers Dynasonic 13:03 - 40th Anniversary Modern Drummer 14:00 - Brooks Drum Co. Ma
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