Maggie Rhee Tribute || Revenge [TWD]

Soundtrack: Frank’s Choice Artist: Tyler Bates Hello there, welcome back to an edit for Maggie Rhee. It’s been quite a while since I’ve done a tribute for her. All the season 11 scenes have been excellent to edit the Farmer’s Daughter. She’s the last living member of the Greene family. Long have the days passed since the group was figuring the apocalypse out on the farm. The transformation of Maggie Rhee has been quite something over the years. I’m thrilled to have Lauren Cohan back on The Walking Dead as a regular star. Her story line involving the revenge on Negan for killing Glenn has been the best part of season 11 so far, without a doubt. Also can we talk about how badass the reference was when Gage called Maggie a ’Liar’, like with the Governor to Rick, right before Hershel died. I added back the in video subtitles, because the audio is not always very clear to hear, that rhymes. So, I figured it would be a massive help to the people who don’t
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