BIRKENSTOCK People | #GROUNDED with Blumengarten - an inspirational music band

Check out their music at@blumengartenofficial3370 Blumengarten is all about fun, love and community. And isn’t that what great music should be about? “We come from a place of feeling pretty lost in the world”, Sammy says…”especially after school. It’s great to find something you’re really good at and can have real aspirations in.” Sammy and Rayan’s choice of footwear reflects their groundedness. It’s the root from which their work truly flowers. And how will this garden grow? It’s a humble aspiration. Just let nature take its course. “I wouldn’t say we think the songs up,” Rayan reflects… “I think the songs find their way to us.” It’s that lack of ego and their dedication to the craft of making people happy through the medium of music that sets this outfit apart. The joy Blumengarten create is grounded in the BIRKENSTOCK footbed. #BIRKENSTOCK #Peoplestory #GROUNDED #musicband #Blumengarten
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