200 Stab Wounds - Full Set @ Necrofest ()

1. Paths to Carnage 0:12 2. Body in the Basement 2:18 3. Stifling Stew 4:45 4. Skin Milk 7:49 5. Tow Rope Around Your Throat 11:16 6. Drilling Your Head 15:27 7. Itty Bitty Pieces 17:48 8. Slave to the Scalpel 21:33 9. Maggot Casket 24:04 10. Digested Desire 26:34 11. Release the Stench (New Song) 29:43 12. Expirated Spatter 32:59 13. Phallic Filth 36:04 14. She Was Already Dead 39:25
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