Radial Nerve Glides or Nerve Flossing - Ask Doctor Jo
Radial nerve glides, radial nerve flossing, and radial nerve stretches should be done very carefully. Don’t overdo the glide or flossing movements because that can cause more irritation. More nerve glides and nerve flossing:
Some people might consider some of these nerve stretches, but as long as you keep it in a comfortable level, you should see the benefits.
Radial nerve gliding or nerve flossing is when you are moving the median nerve at each end together. This helps break up scar tissue or adhesions that might be causing pain. It can also help if you have a nerve compressed somewhere. Make sure not to force any of the movements, and try to use proper technique.
The last movement is more of a stretch on the radial nerve since you are pulling away at both sides. So if you feel any pain, you might not be ready for it yet.
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