25 Popular Holidays With SURPRISINGLY Pagan Origins

You won’t believe how many popular holidays have surprisingly pagan origins. A lot of these origins come from religions attempting to “redeem” pagan celebrations. In most cases, they were successful. Check out these 25 popular holidays with surprisingly pagan origins you may not be aware of. You might believe that most holidays have a religious origin. But what if we told you that these holidays have a pagan origin and that religion hi-jacked them? For most of the holidays on this list, that’s exactly what happened. Check out these popular holidays with pagan origins (and our photo credits and sources) and leave a comment on the video letting us know if you were aware of these pagan origins: SUBSCRIBE - Follow us on: List25 Facebook - List25 Instagram: List25 Twitter - List25 Pinterest: See more lists on our website: Most of us know that Christmas has a strong religious origin…or does it? You might not realize this but Christmas finds its origin in pagan celebrations. Christmas is not the only holiday with a pagan origin however. There’s also Halloween, Valentine’s day, Easter, and even New Year’s Day. It’s surprising because a lot of these holidays are associated with religion. Check out even more holidays with pagan origins in our list of 25 popular holidays with surprisingly pagan origins. If you enjoyed learning about the origin of popular holidays you might enjoy these videos as well: 25 Modern Symbols That Have Lost Their Original Meaning - 25 Surprising Origins Of Today’s Most Popular Superstitions - Music: Master of the Feast by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license () Source: Artist:
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