Yoga Kurunta ✦ Yoga Practice with The Ropes

✦ The Sanskrit word kurunta means a wooden doll, a marionette or a puppet, which can be moved by strings attached to its head and limbs. In a similar way, in yoga kurunta one allows to be moved by the use of wall ropes attached to her/his body. Such practice creates an opportunity to explore a broader range of motion for all the joints of the body, it gives more dynamism to the practice, releases from stiffness and takes away the excess of weight off the spine bringing lift & lightness into the body. Yet it still requires a lot of strength of the limbs and the core to be able to hold the poses for some time. ✦ In this video I am presenting only some part of the innumerable ways one can use the ropes in her/his yoga practice. Most of the tractions are especially helpful for the practice of Pūrva Pratana Sthiti (Backward Extensions) or poses which usually are less accessible due to fear, stiffness of shoulders and the whole shoulders girdle, lower back weakness or cervical spine in
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