MycoWorks - What we do

It all begins with the idea for a dreamed up material. Until now, designers and creators have had to work within the limits of existing materials: designing with what’s available from farms, mills and producers. Inspired by these limits, we created something new. Here’s what we do at MycoWorks. We engineer mycelium cells as they grow to create Fine Mycelium™, a new class of material with superior strength, durability and performance. Fully engineerable, our Fine Mycelium™ technology is a materials science and biotechnology breakthrough that is controllable, customizable and durable, with a living quality only matched by cowhide—the gold standard for leather. A technology that opens up a world of design possibilities and unprecedented control over features. High performance, uncompromising quality and full creative control. Too good to be true? Perhaps the easiest way to explain our technology is to tell you how we do it. Let’s take you behind the scenes of the first full-scale production facility f
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