afternoon of a moax : Inga & Browly funny impro at NRG 2022

We are at NRG in the UK on sunday, it’s 2:30 am. We have been dancing all night and she will be leaving in 1h30 to take her flight. Me: What do you say we go for some dances alone now in the other room because we did not have so much opportunities this week end to dance. Her: Yes let’s do it ! Arriving in the room, we realize with sadness that they have taken the floor off! Me: “What do say if we just use one panel of floor than ! That way we also go by what we share : challenge yourself to dance with the space you have! Making the best out of the possibilities you have. Cause these are bad excuses sometimes not to be practicing. So here we are, dancing with what we found, and having fun and enjoying it still.
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