Ultrademon ft. ShowYouSuck - Automatic [MV]

“Automatic (Feat. ShowYouSuck)“ Featured on the Japanese version of ’Seapunk’ by ’Ultrademon’ A Zeola’s Friend Music Video Directed, Shot, Edited, and Animated by Todd Diederich and Ellie Perkins ( @beodd @oicieli ) On Site Creative Advisor / Stylist - Shan Beaste ( @Zombelle_ ) アーティスト (Artist):Ultrademon (ウルトラデーモン) タイトル (Album Title):Seapunk (シーパンク) レーベル (Record Label):melting bot / Rephlex / Fire For Effect 品番 (Catalogue #):MBIP-5527 htt
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