video preview flying beetle

Flying carnivorous beetle the size of a man Actual size of the low poly 3d model animated rigged ready for games and other applications in real-time. Low polygonal game-ready animated model Monster in Maya file. Character is perfect for first-person or strategy and RPG adventure. Sculpting models zbrush Animation and rigging in maya. Textures 3d coat PBR textures(Metallic and other texture) The model consists of one card body- texture format 4096x4096 There are very high detailed textures. bump,gloss, metalness, roughness,high,emmisive,ao,albedo and normal maps. Tga file format is 4096x4096, Rigging -Controllers from Maya 2017 (Includes FK controllers) skinning all the bones Contains 9 animation idle1 idle2 atack1 atack2 atack3 flying gethit death roar faces 5876 verts 5919 tris 10890
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