Bull Moose Father/Son Near Altercation

Meet Watson, we believe he is the son of Mismatch here. These two nearly square off for an argument but Watson knew better; Don’t mess with Dad. Mismatch is the bull who is blind in his right eye, and his right antler base/pedicle is damaged from a fight a few years ago, but he still has presence and is not to be messed with. Note Watson’s broken half of his left royal tine. Interesting racks all around here. Enjoy! Thanks for watching our channel, the husband/wife team of Rick and Libby Libbey, (Libby squared), New Hampshire wildlife photographers (and part time Alaska.) To find much more of our content about Nikon gear, techniques, and all things wildlife, click on the links below. FACEBOOK WEBSITE INSTAGRAM EMAIL moosemanphotos@ Rick & Libby Libbey owners 603 735 5323 Andover, NH 03216
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