A step by step tutorial on how to paint an eagle using simple glazing tricks

A beginning step by step tutorial filmed Live with questions from the audience on how to draw and paint an eagle and use glazes for more dramatic color with beginning acrylic painting tips. How to use varnish as a glazing medium in demonstrated in this lesson. Ginger will be illustrating how to apply glazing to your paintings to give your masterpiece that little extra “something“ to bring it to the next level. The Eagle with his white feathers, are perfect to use as a great example of how nothing need be left white, yet still retain the illusion of white. Join us LIVE on Wednesdays at 1:00pm central and follow along as Ginger shows us step-by-step how to give our works of art a little more depth and feelings. Ask questions and chat with other artists. Join Ginger for Live Lessons right here on YouTube every Monday and Tuesday evening at 7:30pm central and on Wednesday at 1:00pm central. This is a great place to meet other artists and ask questions to learn more. We talk about
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